Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Insights From The Movie 'The Help'

I saw "The Help" this weekend.  It is the best movie I have seen in ages.  It is difficult to watch women treat other human beings as less than humans, but this is what our society has done.  Humans are capable of atrocities beyond our imagination. 

As a counselor it allows me ask what can we do as individuals?  As a community?  As a society?  To improve our world?

1. Teach our children to respect and value life. This is something that doesn't happen by itself. We need to model it for them. Being kind, compassionate, caring to all living creatures will show children that life is to be valued. The women in this movie had been trained by generations to act this way in their relationships with others. Changing what we model for our children will make a difference for many generations to come.

2. Be an advocate for those less fortunate than ourselves. Whether is it someone in need financially, physically, or emotionally, we can all do something to improve the life of another human being. Be creative and look around- Coalition for the Homeless, Women's shelters, Pregnancy centers, Boys and Girls Clubs.  There are so many ways to take away a little of someone's grief.

3. Speak out against injustice. Take a stand. Take a risk. Join or contribute to advocacy groups such as veterans groups seeking to provide jobs, and physical assistance to returning service people.

Write to me with your ideas about ways to contribute to our society.
If you have emotional or spiritual needs, or if you need coaching to help you enrich your life, check out my website: www.counselingorlando.net.


Priscilla Kelly, LMHC
There Is Hope!
Counseling Can Help!
Orlando Counseling

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